Ken - Sanda Fe Mission
Ken - Factory
Ken - Missoula Red
Roy - Westport 2023
Roy - Pink Salmon
Roy - Emerging Heron
Jim - Gracias Malaga
Jim - Great Blue Heron
Jim - Pub Booth
JuLee - Floral Burst N
JuLee - Bracelets
JuLee - Earrings
Sue Swapp 5
Sue Swapp 3
Sue Swapp 1
Don-2 Foggy day at the beach
Don-3 Glass ball in the surf
Don-4 Hooded Merganzer drake
Cammie 1
Cammie - Cheese Plate
Cammie 2
Brent - Snowy Owl
Brent - Canola Field
Brent - Milky Way Over Jetty
Mary - Glass Float
Mary - Beach Wood 1
LuAnne - The Opal
LuAnne - Glass 2
LuAnne - Resin 3
Kathleen - Print 1
Kathleen - Print 2
Kathleen - Print 3
Shannon - Pour 1
Shannon - Pour 2
Shannon - Pour 3
Julie - Surf & Turf
Julie - Basket 2
Julie - Basket 7
Margaret - Oil 6
Margaret - Oil 7
Margaret - Oil 3
Peter - Oil 9
Peter - Oil 8
Peter - Oil 4
Scott - Sculpt 1
Scott - Sculpt 5
Scott - Sculpt 7
Scott - Sculpt 6
Suzie - FG 1
Suzie - FG 2
Suzie - FG 3
Sandy - Clay 2
Sandy - Clay 4
Sandy - Clay 5
Joan - Tulip Fields LaConner
Joan - Rogue Vista
Joan - Perfect Ending
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February Silent Auction Flyer

The Gallery of Ocean Shores website highlights art and art programs brought to the Grays Harbor community by the North Beach Artist Guild, a non-profit organization.

We encourage you to become a member or patron, take an art class, or just come tour the gallery and Studio 6.  We'd love to have YOU involved in supporting our mission and vision of bringing art and art education to our community!

Stop into the gallery to see the new art! 

We have Fused Glass, Jewelry, Baskets, and a wide selection of unique, one of a kind, Fine Art originals and prints.


The gallery, workshop and clay studio are located at 849 Point Brown Avenue in Ocean Shores, Washington.

CLICK HERE to view our latest monthly newsletter in pdf format

CLICK HERE to subscribe to our newsletter

(please review our privacy policy link at the bottom of this page)

CLICK HERE for Art Classes!

The North Beach Artist Guild needs your support

Questions?  Call us at 360-289-0734 or email the gallery at



We are grateful for support of the Washington State Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts. Their grants have helped sustain us during Covid-19.